Thursday, August 30, 2012

For homework last night, Mr. Schick assigned us to do our usual blog but also to define some words that were used in ancient Greece and applied to the Socrates Method. Today in class we learned about a very important person in Greek history named Socrates. Socrates was an ancient Athenian philosopher and was not the most handsome man, but he was intelligent and hard-working.  He developed the Socrates Method. The Socrates Method is “a form of inquiry and debate between individuals with opposing viewpoints based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to illuminate ideas.” In other words, it was a debate between a few people that gets you thinking critically. Socrates was condemned to death by the Athenian government. They believed Socrates was showing disrespect to the gods and corrupting the youth. He was punished for what he truly believed in. Socrates refused to apology and accepted death from hemlock.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Message To Garcia

Today in Human Geography, Mr. Schick read us an article called “A Message To Garcia” by Elbert Hubbard. The event happened during the Spanish-American War in the year of 1898 in Cuba. The article was about a man named Lieutenant Andrew Rowan, who was ordered to deliver an important message to Garcia. Garcia was somewhere missing in the mountains. Being obedient and responsible, Rowan do exactly what he was told with no hesitation and did not question his orders. Rowan showed great perseverance. We should look closely at the way he set an example and strive to imitate his responsible actions. As it says in the article, many people become lazy and need a serious motivation just to get the job done instead of listening what to do and putting it off or ignoring it. Just do what you are told and get the job done like Rowan did. It seems the author is trying to say that it was a time where there were many people who were lazy and untrustworthy to get the job done.

ArĂȘte- "a sharp mountain ridge"

Socrates- "ancient Athenian philosopher"'  

The Death of Socrates- "Condemned to death or exile by the Athenian government for his teaching methods which aroused skepticism and impiety in his students, Socrates heroically rejected exile and accepted death from hemlock."
Polis- "a city-state in ancient Greece"

The Socratic Method- "a form of inquiry and debate between individuals with opposing viewpoints based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to illuminate ideas"

Agora- "A public open space used for assemblies and markets."

Date of 508 B.C.- "Cleisthenes grants full right to all free men of Athens"

What The Ancient Greeks Meant if They Called You an Idiot- "A dunce is an idiot who is specifically incapable of learning"

Monday, August 27, 2012

Syllabus Day

Today in Mr. Schick's Human Geography we began class by getting assigned seats. Then, we went over the class syllabus for the year. He explained what we would need for class every day and the rules for the classroom. He told us what the class the course looked like and what we would learn. This class is a semester-long course. Mr. Schick informed us on the consequences of plagiarizing and how it’s better to take your time doing your own work honestly, then to take the risk of getting caught and being dishonest by using someone else’s work.  He also told us what would happen if we decided to play games on our laptop in class and how it would not only distract ourselves from the lesson or lecture; it would also distract those around us as well. Tomorrow we will begin to take notes and begin to start our Human Geography course.    

Saturday, August 25, 2012

First Day

                        On Thursday, I began the first day of the next four years at The John Carroll School. We began the day in the cafeteria and ate breakfast with our parents. Then, we went to the auditorium where a few upper classman read prayers and the administration told us what the next four years would be like. After the orientation, we split up into four groups and learned what a day was like at John Carroll. It was time for lunch so we headed to the cafeteria. They served us cheese pizza with a side of chips and two chocolate cookies. In that lunch break I met a lot a new people and the sophomores arrived for their orientation. To finish out the first day at John Carroll, we went to a modified schedule of our Wednesday class schedule. These shortened mods gave us just enough time to meet our teachers and hear a brief summary of what we might be expecting for our freshman year. My first day at John Carroll was a fun day. It was nice to meet so many new people coming from a small school and I am looking forward to meet even more on Monday.