Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Finding Foundations

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class today we started class by talking about any ideas that any of us had about helping the Lost Boys of Sudan. To further our research on helping them, we broke up into small groups or we could work independently on trying to find a foundation to help contribute to them. My group found several foundations. In my group were Ellie, Greg, and John. Mr. Schick also told us that he had e-mailed John Bul about possibly coming to John Carroll to speak.  He replied that he was willing to come and speak to our school but there would be cost. He also told Mr. Schick some of the topics he could talk about if he did end up coming to speak to our school. We would have to pay for his flight coming here and back, a hotel for him to stay in, and a few other things. All the money would end up going to his foundation.

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