Saturday, October 13, 2012

Religion Questions


              Christianity was founded around the time of 30 A.D. in the city of Israel. Christianity is a form of monotheism, which is the belief in one God. Christians have a holy book called the Bible. There are about 2.2 billion people who claim to be following Christianity, which is nearly one-third of the population. Jesus Christ is the central figure of Christianity as the Son of God. The geographical concentration of Christianity is mostly practiced in the Western World, being North America, Europe and Oceania. It is practiced all over the world.

                Islam was founded in 622 CE in the city of Mecca. Islam is monotheistic. They believe in one, indivisible God. The Quran is the holy book for the Islamic religion. About 1.5 million people follow Islam. The central figure of Islam is Allah which is a Arabic word meaning "One True God." Islam is practiced in many countries. The geographical concentration of Islam is mostly in the countries of Morocco, Pakistan, India, Iran, Egypt, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Turkey.


                Buddhism was founded in the 6th century BCE in India. Buddhism is neither monotheistic nor polytheistic. They do not believe in God.  The Buddhist's sacred holy book is called the Tipitaka. The amount of people that follow Buddhism is around 376 million people. Buddah is the central figure of Buddhism. There are two branches of Buddhism, which are Theravada and Mahayana. The geographical concentration od Theravada is in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia. The geographical concentration of Mahayana is in East Asia.


                 Hinduism was founded around the time of 3500 B.C. in the area of the Indus Valley, which is in India. Hinduism in a monotheistic religion. It has a holy book and they call it the Vedas. Being the third largest religion for the amount of followers, Hinduism has anywhere from 860 million to 1.4 billion people claiming to follow this religion. Their central figure is Krishna. The geographical concetration of Hinduism is in Northern India.


                 Judaism was founded in Israel around the time of 2000 B.C. Judaism is a monotheistic religion. The holy book for this religion is the Tanakh, which contains the most holy book being the Torah. This religion has about two million followers. The patriarchs, who include Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, are the central figures of Judaism. The geographical concentration of Judaism is mainly in Israel but also takes place in North and South America, Europe, and Asia.

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