Thursday, November 29, 2012

The People' s Republic of Capitalism Continued

Recently, I missed one of Mr. Schick’s Human Geography classes because I had an orthodontist appointment. I hate going to the orthodontist but this time I went I got my braces off so it was not as bad this time as it usually is. Anyway, I was back in class today and we continued to watch movie or documentary on Capitalism. The video is called the People’s Republic of Capitalism. As the movie went on, the term of interdependence came up during the video. American workers were being laid off because companies decided that they needed to save money so they moved their production over to a growing, manufacturing city in China called Chongqing where the Chinese would work as hard as American workers but they would also do it for a smaller amount of money than the American workers. Of course, this made many Americans jobless and angry. One spoke out about it however the odd thing about this was that she admits to still shopping at this store, which was Walmart.

Monday, November 26, 2012

The People's Republic of Capitalism Video Part 1

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class we got our tests back that we took before the Thanksgiving break. The test was fairly easy and I think I got a B on it. Our class was the class that had the highest grade average. After we got the tests back, we corrected them and went over them. Then, we started our next unit by watched a Youtube video after Capitalism in China. China wants to make the city of Chongqing, China into a major manufacturing city. China had an over-population problem so couple of years ago the government made a strict one child rule. Each family in China could only have one child. If they had two or more children, then they would have to pay for schooling and many other necessities. Because of the harsh Earthquake, many families were left childless. In this case, the government allowed these families to try again to have another child as long as they had proof of their child’s death. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Mexico declared independence in the early 19th century. Before they were an independent nation, they were conquered and colonized by Spain in the early 16th century. Also, Mexico is a site of advanced Amerindian civilizations. Some of the groups within the nation include the Olmec, Toltec, Teotihuacan, Zapotec, Maya, and Aztec. They were a part of Spain for three centuries.

Germany declared independence in 1777. Julius Caesar used to be control of Germany when they founded it. But the Battle of Teautoburg Forest prevented the annexation by the Roman Empire. Germnay was divided into two sections in 800-900. The Holy Roman Empire was formed and clashed in the Thirty Years’ War. This war drew an end to the Holy Roman Empire and a beginning of the modern nation-state system.

Israel declared independence o May 14, 1948. After World War II, many Arabs and Jewish people went to this area. Also, the British withdrew from their mandate of Palestine, and the UN partitioned the area. When all the people began to come in, the Israelis defeated the Arabs in a series of wars without ending the deep tensions between the two sides. Before they declared independence, The Ottoman Empire (Turkey) occupied Israel.

France declared independence in 1789. People began living in France about 1.57 million years ago. Three three main entho-linguistic groups in France were the Gauls, Aquitani, and the Belgae. Then many years later, France was ruled under the House of Capet, founded by Hugh Capet in 987. In the late 18th century, the monarchy and associated institutions were overthrown in the French Revolution.  

Brazil declared its independence on September 7, 1822. Brazil starts with Indigenous Peoples of the Americas. The first European to explore Brazil was Pedro Alvares Cabral on April 22, 1500. From the 16th to the 19th centuries, Brazil was a colony of Portugal. Then they decided to be an independent nation. 

Afghanistan declared independence on August 19, 1919. It has been a popular focal point of the Silk Road and human migration. It is the hardest country in the world to live in. A man from The People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan was killed in 1978. Members of this party began to fear that the government was going to be dismantled because many were being arrested. Afghanistan is located near South Asia, Central Asia, and part of Western Asia. 

Iran declared its independence in October of 1977.It is home of the world's largest civilizations. Iran has had many different leaders . In January of 1978, the Iranian Revolution occurred. This was against the first major demonstration against the Shah. It is located in Western Asia.

Saudi Arabia declared its independence on May 20, 1947. The new kingdom was on a reliant on limited agriculture and pilgrimage revenues and therefore was a very poor country. The Kingdom is called "Unification Kingdom." There was never an empire as the rulers. Saudi Arabia is located is Western Asia. 

India declared independence on August 15, 1947. The main leader that helped India gain its independence from Great Britain was Mahatma Gandhi. Europeans set up colonies in India. Luckily, India did not have to go through any war to gain independence from the United Kingdom. India is located in South Asia. 

The United Kingdom was never owned by any country so therefore they did not have to gain independence from any country. The United Kingdom controlled many countries. The United Kingdom is located off the north-west coast of Europe. 

Venezuela declared independence on July 5, 1811. They got it from France. The military strong men running the country main promotion was oil. Venezuela was one of the three countries that were involved in the collapse of Gran Columbia in 1830. Venezuela is located on the Northern coast of South America. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Test Back and Drug Cartel

Today in Human Geography class, we got our test back that we took on Friday. I did well on the first part of the test but not so good on the back. It probably would have better if I had known about the test so I could have studied. Because I forgot to check Mr. Schick’s Blog, I did not know about the test and so I did not do very well. Luckily, he let us use our blogs for the test which actually helped me a lot. Well we just went over the test and corrected them for most of class. Towards the end of class, we moved our conversation over to the drug cartel. A drug cartel is “an illicit cartel formed to control the production and distribution of narcotic drugs.” We discussed how the drug cartel has majorly affected Mexico. The class then ended during our discussion so I expect to continue our discussion on Wednesday.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


On Friday in Human Geography we started our next unit on Colonialism after we finished the test one the political leaders . Colonialism is the most developed form of imperialism whereby the controlling state invades another state or region so as to exploit its resources and/or the purpose of large scale immigration. Imperialism is the process through which a state attempts to control the economic and/or political and cultural make-up of another state. It is in sense an extension of political control and it is a policy of extending control over foreign entities to acquire and/or maintain empires. We discussed how that the number one export in the United States is movies. Colonialism is in a sense an extension or territorial control and through either settler colonies administrative dependencies are indigenous population and (in) directly ruled or displaced. Also, it is one way of achieving a more general goal of imperialism. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Political Leader Facts

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class, we continued to talk about political leaders from around the world. For most of the class we shared two interesting facts about the leaders and then took the blow up globe and Mr. Schick would throw it at us and we would have to find what on the globe where the country was that we shared our fact about with the leader. Some facts that I learned were that Benjamin Netanyahu was the first man that was born in Israel to become a leader of the country, Hu Jintao dismissed a lot of political leaders and also he established his country of China into the best economy, many people tried to assassinate Hamid Karzai and the Taliban was in office before him, and Francois Hollande was a special advisor for the president at that time before he took office. Tomorrow we are having a quiz on these leaders.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

Facts About Presidents

Enrique Pena Nieto
  • lived with the president at that time during his presidency,and had friends and relatives who were involved in politics
  • went to Law School, became a lawyer, and got his Master's Degree

Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud
  • developed a government scholarship program 
  • was rated the second worst dictator in the world 

Angela Merkel
  • had a goal to strengthen transatlantic economic relations 
  • was awarded the Vision for Europe Award
                                               Benjamin Netanyahu
  • brother was killed in Israeli Special Force
  • delivered a peace address ("Bar-llan Speech")
  • first man that was born in Israel to become leader

Hu Jintao
  • has a low-key leadership style
  • firm believer in consensus-based rule
  • established his country into the best economy
  • dissmissed a lot of political leaders 
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
  • has been criticized for attacking private "plunderers" and "corrupt officials"
  • accused for indecency after he kissed the hand of his former school teacher
Hamid Karzai
  • brother was at the center of the drug trade
  • his family became wealthy by murky means
  • many people planned to assassinate him
  • the Taliban was in office before Hamid Karzai
Francois Hollande 
  • on his first trip to a foreign country his airplane was struck by lightning 
  •  first President to be elected without having prior experience as a Minister and / or Junior Minister since Paul Deschanel in 1920
  • special advisor for the president of France before he took office
Pranab Mukherjee
  • became one of Indira Gandhi's most trusted lieutenants
  • accused of committing gross excesses 
Hugo Chavez
  • homicide rates have more than doubled 
  • suffering from cancer
David Cameron
  • stated that the United Kingdom Independence Party are "fruitcakes, loonies, and closet racist, mostly"
  • thinks of himself as a "modern compassionate conservative"
Dilma Rousseff
  • first female president elected in Brazil
  • she was arrested and tortured for trying to over-throw the government (punching, electric shock, and ferule)

coup detat- when you try and over throw the government 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Absent For Class

I was absent for class on Friday because I had an orthodontist appointment.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Political Geography


Government: Federal Republic 

President: Felipe Calderon


Government: Communist State

Paramount Leader: Hu Jintao

Pranab Mukherjee


Government: Federal Republic 

President: Pranab Mukherjee


Government: Islamic Republic 

President: Hamid Karzai 

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad


Government: Theocratic Republic 

President: Mahmound Ahmadinejad

Shimon Peres


Government: Parliamentary Democracy 

President: Shimon Peres

Joachim Gauck


Government: Federal Republic 

President: Joachim Gauck 

United Kingdom 

Government: Constitutional Monarchy and Commonwealth Realm

Prime Minister: Her Majesty's Government 

David Cameron

Incumbent: David Cameron

François Hollande

Government: Republic 

President: Francois Hollande 

Dilma Rousseff


Government: Federal Republic 

President: Dilma Rousseff

Hugo Chávez


Government: Federal Republic  

President: Hugo Chavez 

Saudi Arabia 

Government: Monarchy 

King: King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud