Monday, November 12, 2012

Test Back and Drug Cartel

Today in Human Geography class, we got our test back that we took on Friday. I did well on the first part of the test but not so good on the back. It probably would have better if I had known about the test so I could have studied. Because I forgot to check Mr. Schick’s Blog, I did not know about the test and so I did not do very well. Luckily, he let us use our blogs for the test which actually helped me a lot. Well we just went over the test and corrected them for most of class. Towards the end of class, we moved our conversation over to the drug cartel. A drug cartel is “an illicit cartel formed to control the production and distribution of narcotic drugs.” We discussed how the drug cartel has majorly affected Mexico. The class then ended during our discussion so I expect to continue our discussion on Wednesday.

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