Sunday, September 2, 2012

Essay #3

“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives - choice, not chance, determines your destiny.” This quote by Aristotle identifies excellence. To earn success in excellence you must first have a plan. To strive for excellence at John Carroll, I must first have a positive attitude for my next four years. Meaning, I should come to school every day with a constructive mindset that is ready to learn. Second, I will represent my school by participating in sports and keep in mind what name is on my uniform. This part of my plans demonstrates respect for my school and what it represents. Third, I must show respect to my teachers, administrators, coaches, friends, and classmates because if I want respect, I must show and give it. So, it is not just my school that deserves my respect but all the pieces that make it a school.  Fourth, I will always keep an open mind by listening to everyone’s point of view even if I do not agree. To be excellent means that you care about others no matter where they are from, what beliefs they have or position they take on topics. By listening and caring, some of my current thoughts might be changed or I may be able to change others thoughts. Lastly, I will show determination and perseverance through my work. I will do my best to never back down from a challenge. With this basic plan of action, I feel I can accomplish my goals while showing respect and caring for others.

1 comment:

  1. What a great plan, and great essay! I love how you include Aristotle in this. You should use this posting as a pep talk for later in the year when you might need it. 25/25.
