Thursday, September 6, 2012

Evaluating Websites Blog

1. This first source, the CIA World Fact Book, looks pretty reliable and helpful to use for a research paper. It looks reliable because it is a government website and has useful, accurate information.

2. The next source regarding "A Message To Garcia," also looks helpful to use as a source. It gives so much information about the author and the story.

3. The Forbidden Knowledge source does not look very real because it doesn't contain a whole lot of information about the topics so it would not be very helpful to someone who is trying to write a research paper.

4. The NASA Kid's Club website seems real because it has very helpful information for kids. It makes learning more fun for kids, but a lot of the facts are things people our age already know so I do not think it would be too helpful for writing a research paper on your topic.

5. The CNN Opinion website looks like a cite that has information on the current 2012 elections.

6. The New York Times website would be a great source to use because it is an online newspaper so you can always be caught up on the current events which may be very important for your paper.

7. The Fox News source looks like it could be very helpful to use if you needed helpful information if you were writing about the 2012 elections.

8.Wikipedia contains a lot of helpful information about The Washington Times, but there is always a chance that what people post may not be 100% true so its probably not the best idea to use it for a research project.

9. The last website is a blog. A blog is not helpful information for a research paper because it is based only on a person's opinion rather than the facts.

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