Thursday, September 20, 2012

Presentation Day Blog

For today’s Human Geography class, we presented our power points, which we worked on yesterdayin class for the entire mod. How it worked was one person went up to the front of the room and presented the country. Everyone else from that group stayed at their seats. Those who were not presenting the project, had to look up the answers to the questions that Mr. Schick asked. They found the answers on the CIA World Factbook website. The first presentation was on the country of Thailand. Mary presented the project. In that group, were Greg, John, Adrianna, and Mary. The second presentation was my group. We were assigned the country of Nigeria. Kishan presented the PowerPoint. This group has Ellie, Kishan, Ryan, Andrew, and myself. The final group to present yesterday had the country of Italy. Stoots presented the project. The people who did this country were Haley, Alex, Cole and Stoots.  We ran out of time and the last group did not get to present.

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